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The DTWAIN_IsFeederLoaded function checks if there are documents loaded in the document feeder.







Specifies an open TWAIN Source.


Return Values

If the automatic document feeder has been loaded with documents, TRUE is returned.  Otherwise FALSE is returned.



The DTWAIN_IsFeederLoaded function takes the open Source Source, and checks to see if the document feeder has documents loaded.  The document feeder must be enabled before calling this function (see DTWAIN_EnableFeeder).  A return value of TRUE means that the document feeder does have documents loaded.  A return value of FALSE will most likely mean one of the following scenarios occurred:


There are no documents in the feeder
The feeder has not been enabled (use DTWAIN_EnableFeeder to enable/disable the document feeder)
The device does not support querying whether the feeder is loaded.  Some Sources have a document feeder, but there is no way to test if documents are loaded in the feeder.
The device does not have a document feeder.


Call DTWAIN_GetLastError if the return value is FALSE to determine the exact cause for failure.  To test if the feeder can actually detect if documents are loaded, call DTWAIN_IsFeederSensitive.


TWAIN State Transitions

The source must be opened in State 4


Prerequisite Function Call(s)



DTWAIN Source Selection Function



See Also

Automatic Document Feeder Support