C/C++ Sample: Acquire and save to BMP file

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The following 'C' / C++ function is all that is required to do the following:


Check if TWAIN is installed.
Initialize the DTWAIN Dynamic Link Library.
Select a Source
Acquire a page using the Native transfer mode
Save page to a BMP file called "test.bmp"
Shut down any open TWAIN Source's and DTWAIN itself


#include <dtwain.h>

#include <tchar.h>  // for Windows _T macro to denote string type


void ExampleFunction( )  


   DTWAIN_SOURCE TheSource;    /* The TWAIN Data Source */


   LONG Status;


   /* Check if TWAIN exists.  Return if TWAIN is not installed */

   if ( DTWAIN_IsTwainAvailable( ) == 0 )



   /* Initialize DTWAIN DLL, return if there is a problem */

   if ( DTWAIN_SysInitialize( ) == 0 )



   /* Select the Twain Source */

   TheSource = DTWAIN_SelectSource( );


   /* If no Source selected or there is a problem, uninitialize DLL and return */

   if ( TheSource == NULL )


          DTWAIN_SysDestroy( );




  /* Proceed to acquire image and save to a bmp file */

  RetVal = DTWAIN_AcquireFile(TheSource,   /* Source */

                                                           _T("test.bmp"),   /* File name */

                                                            DTWAIN_BMP,  /* File type is BMP */

                                                            DTWAIN_USENATIVE | DTWAIN_USENAME,  /* acquisition options */

                                                            DTWAIN_PT_DEFAULT, /* use default color type */

                                                            1,           /* Acquire 1 page */

                                                            TRUE,   /* Show the device's user interface */

                                                            FALSE. /* Do not keep Source open when finished. */

                                                            &Status);  /* returned status */


   /* Close down TWAIN,  Data Sources, etc. */

  DTWAIN_SysDestroy( );





The example above is a C or C++ function that demonstrates some of the power of DTWAIN.  The only functions that are DTWAIN specific are the following:


DTWAIN_SelectSource (or another DTWAIN Source selection function)


DTWAIN_IsTwainAvailable is only optional.  DTWAIN will still work correctly in a system that has no TWAIN drivers installed by returning an error if a selection of a TWAIN device is attempted.


Note that DTWAIN has the ability to save the images to a file (as in the example above shows), or if your application wants the raw image data, a "handle" to the image data can be returned instead of writing the image data to a file.