OCR Capability Listings

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The following section describes each of the OCR capabilities that can be retrieved and set by DTWAIN_GetOCRCapValues and DTWAIN_SetOCRCapValues.


Please note that you must ensure that the capability is supported by calling DTWAIN_IsOCRCapSupported, or alternately calling DTWAIN_GetOCRSupportedCaps to get the capability values.


The entries have the following format:



Describes the capability.



Array Type:

DTWAIN_ARRAY type to use when getting/setting values.


Default Value:        

The value that will be used if this capability is not set by the application.


Allowed Values:

Definition of the values allowed for this capability


Available Operations:

Describes the operations that can be performed (DTWAIN_CAPGET, DTWAIN_CAPGETDEFAULT, DTWAIN_CAPGETCURRENT, etc.)


Mandatory Capability:

Yes if all OCR engines support this capability, otherwise No.



         Functions that can be used for this capability.



 For the Available Operations, the following table describes the various operations allowed:



Capability Type




Gets all of the supported values of the capability.



Gets the default value of the capability.



Gets the current value of the capability.



Sets the current value of the capability.



Resets the capability to the OCR engine's default value.