The DTWAIN_ArrayInsertAtFloat inserts a DTWAIN_FLOAT value into a DTWAIN_ARRAY.
Parameters Array DTWAIN_ARRAY that the value will be inserted into.
Index Position to place the inserted value
Value An 8 byte floating point value.
Return Values If the function succeeds, TRUE is returned. If the function fails FALSE is returned.
Comments DTWAIN_ArrayInsertAtFloat is a speicalized version of the DTWAIN_ArrayInsertAt function.
The DTWAIN_ArrayInsertAtFloat function inserts the value Value in the DTWAIN_ARRAY Array. The Index argument is the position to insert the value. The value is inserted before the value located at position Index. The Index argument is numbered from 0 (the first position) to any positive number.
This function will only work for DTWAIN_ARRAY's that can store DTWAIN_FLOAT values (i.e. the DTWAIN_ARRAY was created with the DTWAIN_ARRAYFLOAT style. See DTWAIN_ArrayCreate for more information).
TWAIN State Transitions None.
Prerequisite Function Call(s)
See Also Adding, Setting, and Inserting elements in a DTWAIN_ARRAY