The DTWAIN_GetPrinterStringMode function gets the current Imprinter/Endorser string mode (Single, Multi, or Compound Strings).
DTWAIN_BOOL DTWAIN_GetPrinterStringMode (
Parameters Source An open TWAIN Source.
lpStringMode Address of LONG used to store the string mode.
bGetCurrent Determines whether to get the current string mode or the default string mode.
Return Values The return value is TRUE if successful. Otherwise FALSE is returned.
Comments The DTWAIN_GetPrinterStringMode function gets the current imprinter/endorser string mode for the Source Source. The lpStringMode is the address where the returned string mode will be stored. If bGetCurrent is TRUE, the string mode returned is the current string mode. If bGetCurrent is FALSE, the default string mode is returned instead.
The string mode determines whether the imprinter/endorser will uses single line strings, multi-line strings, or compound strings (a string consisting of a string, plus some other data). The value stored at lpStringMode can be any one of the following:
TWAIN State Transitions The Source must be in State 4. or higher
Prerequisite Function Call(s) DTWAIN Source Selection Function
See Also |